Die akustische Erforschung des Raumes Nr.1
Die Akustische Erforschung des Raumes Nr.1 is an installation which allows the spectator to experience the audible character of a room by means of a modified acoustic measurement method. In order to modify the procedure of the Impulse Response, the two most relevant aspects of it, impulse-like sound and the swept sine wave, were appointed and combined. As a result the short sound of the sine wave is triggered by a rhythm with the repeating sweep line as a guidance of the frequency value. The room is excited with a rotating source emitting short sine waves. Each variously directed sine wave consists of only one frequency, so that the specific response spectrum of the room can be heard. In some case of sound parameter settings, the sound may be perceived as a pattern, each of the sounds will be difficult to distinguish from one another. Depending on the number of sine cycles and triggering rate, a sound may be triggered before the last sound ends. They may overlap on the time axis. This installation is a universal medium to reveal the acoustic character of a room and is meant to allow exploration of multiple spaces.
exhibition Aufhören!
Homebase Berlin, Germany
18 – 31 Mar 2011
technical support: Kathrin Scheidt, Wilm Thoben
active loudspeaker, light, motor, computer, wood, metal